In Rails we have a schema.rb file, where we can check, how our database looks like.

However, logging in to database console can be sometimes useful.

Here are a list of needed console commands.

PSQL and MySQL console commands

Description PostgreSQL MySQL
show database list \list show databases;
connect to to database \connect DBNAME use DBNAME;
show all tables \dt show tables;
show table details \d+ TABLE describe TABLE;
exit from console \q exit;


How to log into database console?

It depends on the operation system and how the database was installed.

In general:

PostgreSQL MySQL
$ psql $ mysql -u root -p


When checking console can be helpful?

Lastly I found myself experimenting in psql console, when I was setting indexes inside psql jsonb fields. I wasn’t sure, if Rails migration modified database schema how I expected, so I wanted to double check it in the console.

Other examples can be:

To check differences between test and development database

To check results of custom SQL in migrations

To modify foreign keys or indexes, which names are not Rails default